Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

whatssup, fira?

Assalamualaikum everybody! longtime no curcol in here.
Bukan sok sibuk,tapi kayaknya emang lagi sibuk akhir-akhir ini. Ada yang mau nanyain kabar saya? khususnya buat temen temen sekolah saya dulu yang ada di p.e.l.o.s.o.k sana? :') banyak yang request, dan banyak yang nge-kepoin tentang saya ternyata ya diem diem :p #sumpahbecanda

Alhamdulillah, i'm fine in here. I'm at Samarinda now. And i school at MAN 2 SAMARINDA. kalau ada yang nanyain, "tinggal dimana fir? sama siapa? loh kok jauh bener?" jawabannya bisa dilihat dibawah sini ya *nunjuk tanah*

Why I chose far from where I was born? bcs I want to experience the real life of a young me *cieee* I want to feel how it feels to stay away from the parents, and certainly find a friend who can accompany me in this capital. yap. begitu lah jawaban dari pertanyaan diatas~

goal here is not just for play, so city kids, didn't have a destination for like that, seriously!!! I'm here to be a different, a new life, but still be myself. the point to be able to turn into a better one! aamiin!

I don't want to dwell width, so, I just hope this story can motivate!


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